Tafsir El Quran (Translation)

Tafsir is an Arabic word that means interpretation, and Quran Tafsir means understanding and uncovering God’s will which has been conveyed by the Quranic text. Tafsir is very important for the complete learning of the Holy Quran, as all Muslims can read Quran and pronounce its words in a right way, but not all of them can understand the meanings of all the words of Quran and the reason of choosing these words in their places, as each single word in Quran came for a wise.

The meaning of Tafsir:

Tafsir or interpretation is to clarify the meaning of the Quran words and verses and what is meant by them, and it includes explaining the Arabic vocabulary, Quranic structures and devising judgments.

History of Quran Tafsir:

When Islam was revealed to Prophet Muhammad –peace and blessings be upon him- he was reciting verses to his companions and explaining their meanings to teach them by clarifying the meanings that was not mentioned in the verses, as it was one of his responsibilities. And after the death of Prophet Muhammad –peace and blessings be upon him- his companions undertook the task of interpretation the verses of Quran starting a new age of Quran Tafsir. By the time of next generations, they started using a wide range of sources for Quran Tafsir, during this time a whole range of schools of Tafsir came into existence.

The importance of Tafsir:

The Holy Quran is the God’s words and speech to His servants, it is the guidance for Muslims in their path to Allah Almighty, so it must be understood well to know the orders of Allah and be able to work as stipulated in it because reading Quran is a great thing but the greatest outcome of reading Quran is understanding it and work with its orders, and Tafsir is important to complete the understanding of Quran meanings for all Muslims, and especially for people enter Islam and they don’t know Arabic language or even the native Muslim Arabs who are weak in Arabic language. Allah Almighty said: (Alif, Lam, Raa’, a book that we sent to you, to let people out of darkness into light with the permission of their Lord to the path of Al-Aziz ” the precious”, Al-Hamid ” the praiseworthy” ) and that means that it is important for Muslims to know and understand the meanings of the Quran to success in their path to Allah Almighty as they should understand the orders of Allah to do them and understand His prohibitions to avoid them, and also they should reflect in the Quran meanings and miracles to feel the greatness of Allah and feel reverence to Him.

Types of Tafsir:

You should know that there are many types of Tafsir, and they are different in their considerations and perspectives; Tafsir is divided according to its attainability to; Tafsir that Arabs know as it is their native language, Tafsir that no Muslim is excused not to know it, Tafsir known by scientists, and Tafsir that is not known by anyone but Allah Almighty. Tafsir is also divided according to the points of its derivation, and according to the point of being explained, and according to the topics being explained.

Type of Tafsir that the common Muslims need to know:

The majority of the Holy Quran can be comprehended by the common people if they read it, as there are verses in Quran that don’t need any explanation to understand their meanings. But there are verse that need the Muslim to search a little about its meanings in the books of Tafsir, Furthermore, there are verses in the Quran that no one knows its meaning but Allah Almighty such as the broken letters at the beginning of Surat Al-Paqara and Al-Imran. However, there is another reason for a Muslim to search about the Quran Tafsir which is to enjoy the sweetness of Quran in its meanings and its great formulations, and that is enough to increase his faith in Allah, His Messenger who don’t speak of his own passion, and His Holly Quran as well.
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