♡What is the meaning of izhaar?
Izhaar means to make clear or pronouncing every letter from its articulation point without aghunnah. And what is the izhaar letters :throat letters same thing《ء-ه-ع-ح-غ-خ》these letters are called الحروف الحلقيهor the throat letters.♡How we make izhaar ?
If Noon saakin or Tanween is followed by any of these six throat letters ,the Noon Saakin or Tanween is pronounced clearly without Ghunnah its called Izhaar. We can see the Noon Saakin and Tanween in the Same word or come between two words. 🖋Rules applied on Noon sakinah and tanween First rule idhhar/Izhaar halqi إظهار حلقي 🌞👉Letters of halq (throat)( ء. ه. ع. ح. غ. خ)
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