1- meaning of Madd
Madd is lengthening the sound with a letter of madd letters.
2- Types of Madd:
1- Madd Tabee’ee
2- Madd Fare’ee
2- Madd Al-Iwad
It is substituting a lengthened alif for the tanween with fathah.
Apply with me from Qur’an:
2-Madd Al-Fare’ee
It is a lengthening that has a longer timing than that of Madd Tabee’ee due to hamzah or sukoon.
1-Madd due to Hamzah
2- Madd due to sukoon
1- Madd due to Hamzah
It is divided into four divisions, as follows:
1- Madd Al-Badal
The letter hamzah precedes madd letter.
Madd Al-Badal has four states:
-It is observed during continuing and stopping.
2-It is observed during continuing but not stopping.
3- It is observed during stopping but not continuing.
4- It is observed only when beginning with the word.
Apply with me from Qur’an:
2-Madd Al-Wajib Al-Muttasil
– Hamzah follows madd letter in the same word
– it is prolonged for four, or five, or six(الإشباع) counts.
Apply with me from Qur’an:
3- Madd Al-Jaa’iz Al-Munfassil
-Madd letter is the last letter of the word, and the hamzah is the first letter of the next word.
-Shortening for two vowel counts, and lengthening for four or five vowel counts.
Apply with me from Qur’an:
4- Madd As-Silah Al-Kubra
-The pronoun (haa’,third person) is at the end of a word which has a vowel of a dammah or a kasrah.
– It is between two vowel letters, and the first letter of the next word is a hamzah.
-It is prolonged for four or five counts.
Apply with me from Qur’an:
2-Madd due to Sukoon
It is divided into three divisions, as follows:
1- Madd Al-Arid Lil-Sukoon
– There is only one letter after the madd letter, it is the last letter of the word, and this letter has any vowel on it, and we are stopping on the letter with a presented sukoon.
-It is prolonged for two, or four, or six counts when stopping on it.
Apply with me from Qur’an:
2- Madd Al-Leen
-It occurs when a “leen” letter (waaw or yaa’) preceded by a letter with a fathah, and we stop on the word with a presented sukoon.
-It is prolonged for two, four, six vowel counts when stopping on the word.
Apply with me from Qur’an:
3- Madd Al-Laazim
-It is divided into four divisions, as follows:
1- Madd Al-Laazim Al-Kalimee Al-Muthaqal
2- Madd Al-Laazim Al-Kalimee Al-Mukhaffaf
3- Madd Al-Laazim Al-Harfee Al-Muthaqal
4- Madd Al-Laazim Al-Harfee Al-Mukhaffaf
1- Madd Al-Laazim Al-Kalimee Al-Muthaqal
-It is when an original sukoon comes after a medd letter in a word. The word muthaqal refers to the shaddah which indicates two letters of the same, the first one with a sukoon, and the second with the vowel.
-It is prolonged for six counts.
Apply with me from Qur’an:
2- Madd Al-Laazim Al-Kalimee Al-Mukhaffaf
-The original sukoon follows madd letter in a word that is not merged.
-It is prolonged for six counts.
Apply with me from Qur’an:
There are fourteen letters that begin some of the surahs in the Holy Qur’an. These letters are found in the phrase” نص حكيم قطعا له سر” that are called Huroof Muqatta.
3- Madd Al-Laazim Al-Harfee Al-Muthaqal
-The letters of the group
that begin some of the surahs, the last letter of the three-letter word ( representing the individual letter) is merged into the letter that comes after it. This is the reason for it being called muthaqal (heavy).
-This madd is prolonged for six counts.
Apply with me from Qur’an:
4- Madd Al-Laazim Al-Harfee Al-Mukhaffaf
-The last letter and is merged into the first letter of the next three-letter word or not. In this case, it is not merged with what comes next.
-This madd is prolonged for six vowel counts.
Apply with me from Qur’an:
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- Madd Tabee’ee

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