Tafkheem & Tarqeeq
It is heaviness that enters the body of the letter, so that the mouth is filled with its reverberation.
The form of the tongue
Tafkheem is elevating the posterior tongue to the roof of the mouth(soft palate), creating more space between the roof of the mouth and the bottom of the mouth, and focusing the pressure of the letter to the roof of the mouth.
Letters: خص ضغط قظ
It is a thinness that enters the body of the letter, so the mouth is not filled with its reverberation.
The rest of the letters except letters of tafkheem and letters between tarqeeq and tafkheem.
Letters have tafkheem sometimes and tarqeeq other times
1- Alif al-madd
2- Laam in the name of Allah(الله)
3- Raa’
1- Alif al-madd
If tafkheem letter precedes alif madd,then it also has tafkheem.
If alif occurs after a letter with tarqeeq, alif also then has tarqeeq

2- Tafkheem in Laam of the name of Allah(الله)
It has tafkheem in the following cases:
If it is preceded by fathah
If it is preceded by dammah.
If it is preceded by saakin and the letter before that has fathah or dammah.
2-Tarqeeq in Laam of the name of Allah(الله)
It has tarqeeq in the following cases:
If it was preceded by an original kasrah or conditional kasrah even if it is connected to it or separated from it.

If it was preceded by saakin and the letter before that has kasrah.
Levels of tafkheem(3 levels)
If the letter has fathah
If the letter has dammah
If the letter has kasrah
Tafkheem letter is saakin and the letter before it has fathah(highest level of tafkheem)
The saakin tafkheem letter is preceded by kasrah(the lowest level of tafkheem)
Levels of tafkheem(5 levels)
If tafkheem letter is followed by a long alif
If tafkheem letter has fathah
If tafkheem letter has dammah
If tafkheem letter has sukoon
If tafkheem letter has kasrah