The Arabic Alphabet, or Arabic abjad, is the Arabic script as it is codified for writing Arabic. The Arabic Alphabet is written from right to left in a cursive style and includes 28 letters. In Arabic Alphabet, most letters have contextual letterforms.
The importance of the Arabic language:
The greatest thing that makes it important in our lives is that it is the language of the Noble Quran, and the language of Islam, Arabic language is linked to the life of all Muslims in performing the rituals. The language is the origin of religion, and therefore, we can say that the Arabic language is not only for speech, it is something that all languages share, but Arabic language is a ritual that is practiced in the spirit of ritual, and is required by the obligatory spirit, and this is what distinguishes it from other languages. Allah the Almighty said: {We have revealed it to an Arab Quran so that you may understand}. And he- the-Almighty also said: {Praise be to God who was revealed to his servant the book and did not make it crooked} What a great honor the Arabic language had!The history of the Arabic Alphabet:
It is thought that the Arabic Alphabet is a derivative of the Nabataean variation of the Aramaic alphabet which descended from the Phoenician alphabet, which, among others, gave rise to the Hebrew alphabet and the Greek alphabet. The Arabic Alphabet was without points, this is a fact; when the ancient Arabs were writing in the Arabian peninsula and it was leaked to the people of Egypt, the Levant and Iraq, before the Holy Quran came down and spread, the letters were without points, this is due to the axioms that the language is part of the speakers or its user, and therefore words were understood, read and classified, through an understanding of the content of words and sentences. The points were invented for the Persians, not for the Arabs, as the Arabs used not to use the points in the past, but with the publication of the Holy Quran and the compilation of the Quranic verses in one version of Quran in the era of Khalipha Uthman Ibn Affan, as it was free of dots, gossip and formation, it was found that there is a distortion of the Quran due to mixing, so the punctuation was the solution.The choice of Arabic letters in the Holy Quran:
The choice of the Quran for letters comes according to a precise method and elaborate system. A 29 Surahs of Quran begins with broken letters, and these broken letters are made up of 14 alphabets, and also became in 14 different formulas! Lets remember that the Arabic Alphabets are 28 letters, and 14 is the half of 28. So the broken letters took only the half of the Arabic Alphabets, not only the half of its number, but also the half of its characteristics, as following; The broken letters took the half of the whispered letters, which are { Al-Sad, Al-Kaf, Al-Hay’, Al-Seen, Al-Haa’}, and from the loud letters, it took the half also, which are{ Al-Alif, Al-Lam, Al-Mim, Al-Rai, Al-Ain, Al-Taa’, Al-Quf, Al-Yaa’, Al-Noon}, and so on. Another miracle of the choice of the Arabic Alphabet in the Holy Quran, is that the broken letters made 30 word, and the first word of them is {Alif, Lam, Meem} which is the word number 30 in the arrangement of words in the Quran! And the shortest Surah of Quran that contains a broken word is Surat Al-Sajda, which consists of 30 verses!The miracle of the repetition of the letters of the name of “Allah” in the broken words:
In Arabic, the name of Allah is consists of the letters {Alif, Lam, Lam, Hay} Alif, repeated 13 times in the broken letters, Lam, repeated 13 times in the broken letters too, Hay, repeated twice. Now, if we look at a diagram of these repetition, we will see the following:
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