How to learn Quran by easy way?

As Muslims, Quran is our guidance, so it is important to learn Quran, each Muslim should seek to learn Quran for his own good, and also for the benefit of his society. It is important to learn Quran specially at young age. It would be useful to receive education in various fields of science. How about when this learning be in Quran science? To learn Quran is not confined to sheikhs and scientists, to be a sheikh or scientist in Quran science, you should go to one of the colleges or the institutes which are specialized in this field. But what about the rest of Muslims?, should their relationship with the holy Quran be limited to reading not even with true understanding of its meanings and messages neither applying its correct pronunciation!?

Importance of learning Quran:

What can we say about the benefits of learning Quran?? It is unlimited, should we talk about its effect on the human and his moral, his psychology, his manners, his thinking and for sure, on his faith! Or shall we talk about the effect of learning Quran on the society and its cohesion, compassion and its success in all fields! Quran is the words of Allah and is the guidance that brings the whole world to the right path of Allah .

Learn Quran for children:

Who doesn’t like to bring up his child to be a good person of a high moral with knowledge and wisdom? The best way for the child to a chive this is to learn Quran. The earlier the parents introduce their child to learn Quran, the sooner the child not only understand his true Islam, but also make the precepts of Islam become his life rules. It is our duty as parents to put our children on the right path in life to make them- truly- our good deed in life even after we pass away, as Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him: ( when a man dies his deeds come to an end except for three thing; ongoing charity, a knowledge which is beneficial, or a righteous son calls him).

When should us start to learn Quran to our children?

It is suggested to start with age in which the child is able to put words together in sentences, the child may not be developmentally able to grasp the full meaning at that time, but by the time, the Quran will become something that is easily read and understood by the child as he matures. It is also worthy to read the Quran to our children from the day they are born, it would develop a natural familiarity and love for Quran.

How to learn Quran:

The most successful way to learn Quran is to continue diligence every day, and before that you should resolve to learn Quran for God Almighty and nothing else. Learn a rule of intonation every day, and always read a load to strengthen your voice and control the correct pronunciation of letters, you should also search for the meaning of any verse or word you don’t know to understand its meaning. Courses online can also be helpful to learn Quran easily.  

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