How to read Quran

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Every Muslim needs to know how to read Quran in the right way without errors in recitation. To learn how to read Quran, you should attend Quran lessons either in Masjid or online. After you learn how to read Quran, you can enlarge your dream and go to the next step which is memorizing Quran.

Importance of learning how to read Quran:

The Holy Quran is the light that Guides every Muslim on his path to Allah, and Prophet Muhammad -peace and blessings be upon him- told us that reading Quran has four benefits, as reading Quran brings tranquility and mercy, and the Angles protect the Quran reader. Furthermore, God Almighty mentions the Quran readers to whom He has(The Angles). Not only that, but also the Quran reciter is rewarded with ten good deeds on the day of Resurrection for every letter of the Quran, and who recites Quran is considered among the people of Allah. And also Quran will intercede for those who was reciting it and the people of Quran, on the day of Resurrection.

Importance of Tajweed in reading Quran:

To be perfect in reading Quran you should learn Tajweed rules. Tajweed is the science that teaches people how to read Quran in the way in which Prophet Muhammad –peace and blessings be upon him- was pronounced the words of Allah Almighty and the right exits of the letters. Tajweed also teaches Muslims the rules of Noon Sakinah, and Meem sakinah and the places of (Waqf) stopping and places of (Wasl) connecting in the Quran. Furthermore, reading Quran with Tajweed gives a beautiful phonetic consistency while reading the Noble Quran and helps in feeling the great meanings of Quran and softening hearts when listening the verses of Quran.

Learning how to read Quran for adults:

When Muslim starts to learn how to read Quran, he should start with the intention, as he shall intend that all his effort on his path of learning how to read Quran is only for the sake of God Almighty, and not for any thing else. After that, its preferable to obtain a Quran with large size and colored letters, internet connection, and a mobile or computer, if you will learn how to read Quran online through the online classes. And you can also attend Quran lessons in Masjid , or even watch the Quran recitation lessons on TV and radio. Like any skill, reading Quran is strengthened by practice, so you should always read Quran loudly to strengthen your voice and control the correct pronunciation of letters and also it strengthened by a lot of listening to the Quran reciters, and try to beautify your voice as Prophet Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him- said: (Embellish the Quran with your voices). You should keep trying to read Quran correctly however it was difficult for you as the Prophet –peace and blessings be upon him- said: (Whoever recites the Quran and is skilled in it, will be with the honored and faithful Angles, and the one who reads Quran and stutters in it, and it is hard for him, will be rewarded twice)

Learning how to read Quran for children:

The Quran teacher should start with spelling the Arabic letters and train the children to pronounce each letter from its right exit, then the children should practice reading words with correct pronunciation. After that they can start to recite Surat Al-Fatiha and short Surahs, and continue to do so until learning how to read the whole Quran with right pronunciation and application of all the Tajweed rules.

How to read Quran with etiquette of recitation:

While you read Quran or learn how to read Quran, you should keen on following the good manners appropriate for reading the Holy Quran, as reading Quran in a clean place and being purity during reading, you also should evoke the greatness and honor of the Quran and be discipline during reading without so many movements and without laughing or yawning. The reader also should not cut reading Quran a lot, and when he restarts reading, he should repeat Basmalah, which is saying: In the name of God the most gracious and merciful.

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