
Ijazah is an Arabic word, and it means a license or permission, and the Quran reciter who has Ijazah is authorized to transmit the Quranic text, so Ijazah is associated with transmission of Quran.

The meaning of Ijazah:

Ijazah is a testimony from a Sheikh who is already had the Ijazah, to a student that he has recited the whole Quran with fully applying of Tajweed rules and with perfection. It is also called “Al- Sanad”, and this word means “the bond” and it is the chain of Quran reciters and memorizers, in which each reciter narrated from his sheikh, and it extends to reach the Prophet Muhammad –peace and blessings be upon him, and that’s why all the reciters of Quran tries so hard to get the Ijaza, to have the honor of being attached in a bond that ends up to the Messenger of Allah –peace and blessings be upon him. So each scholar is keen to get an upper “Sanad”, which is more closer to The prophet, as Imam Al-Tokhi said: ( The closeness of bonds ” to the Prophet(b.p.u.h)” is a closeness to Allah Almighty).

Meaning of the Qiraat and the Narration:

These two expressions are related to the reading of Quran but they are different as following: The Qiraat means readings which are the methods of reading of Quran related to an Imam ” Qari or reciter” who had received it through a bond ends up to the Messenger of Allah – peace and blessings be upon him- as Asem Qiraa. And the Qiraat or readings are ten readings; seven essential readings and three readings that are complementary for the ten readings The narration means to narrate from one of the ten Imams as each Imam had many students and two of them were chosen to read Quran to people as they learnt from their Imam, so each Qari ” Imam” had two narrators, as” Narration of Hafs from Asem”, and ” Narration of Shoapa from Asem”.

Types of Ijazah:

There are four types of Ijazah can the reciter of Quran gets:

1*Ijazah in one narration.

2*Ijazah in the seven essential readings or Qiraat.

3*Ijazah in the three complementary readings.

Ijazahin the major ten readings.*4

How to get the Ijazah in Quran:

One can get the Ijazah in Quran through studying at the hands of a sheikh who is already an Ijazah holder, the student at first will study Tajweed rules, and after the completion of Quran recitation, the sheikh evaluates the students and gives him the Ijazah. One also can get the Ijazah in Quran through attending an Ijazah online classes, and they are also being at the hands of already certified sheikh who had an Ijaza, and these Ijazah online courses are more suitable for Muslims live in non-Islamic countries.

Importance of Ijazah:

Ijazah and Sanad are important for preservation of the Holy Quran, if Muslims don’t take care of controlling Ijazah and Sanad of Quran , the error may slip into the Quran text. Although the Noble Quran is certainly preserved by Allah Almighty Who said: {It was Us who revealed the remembrance, and We are its preservers}, but Allah Almighty will hold accountable Muslim scholars for their negligence, if they don’t keep controlling Ijazah and Sanad of Quran readings.

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