Rules of Meem Sakinah\أخفاء شفوي (Oral hiding)\إظهار شفوي(Oral Clarity)

Rules of meem Sakinah.

According to the following letter meem Sakinah has three possible rules. 1-oral hiding ( اخفاء شفوى). 2-Small merging(ادغام شفوى). 3-Oral clarity(اظهار شفوى). -Oral hiding (إخفاء شفوي ): If meem Sakinah is followed immediately by Baa letter we then hide the meem Sakinah at this baa with applying ghunnah, This is case come in between two words, Meem Sakinah in case of oral hiding carries nothing The following letter baa is not mushddad. -Shafawy meens that we apply it with our two lips from which meem and baa are articulated. -Example on oral hiding: (تَرْمِيهِم بِحِجَارَةٍ) (وَمَاهُمْ بِمُؤْمِنِين) -Oral clarity(إظهار شفوي):When meem Sakinah is followed by any of the Arabic letters other than baa or meem it has to be pronounced clearly, This can be in one word or between two words. -Pronunciation of the meem Sakinah clearly is obtained by complete contact of two lips. -Special care should be taken when meem sakinah is followed by the letter faa or waw to avoid applying oral hiding by mistake. -Meem Sakinah in case of oral clarity carries sukon sign. -Example Oral clarity: (أَلَمْ يَجْعَلْ كَيْدَهُم) (عَلَيْهِمْ طَيْرًا)  
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