Surat Al-Falaq

Surat Al-Falq is Surah Makiya of five verses. As we mentioned before, Al-Moaozatine are Surat Al-Nas, and Surat Al-Falaq, which Muslims recite to be protected from mischief. In this article, we will go through Surat Al-Falaq to understand all its meanings.    

Explanation and interpretation of Surat Al-Falaq:

  1#{Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Falaq}, Say: means say this to protect yourself. I seek refuge: means to resort to Allah and ask his almighty to help. The Lord of Falaq: falaq means the morning and light which guides the human to insight and not to be lost, and falaq means also, what splits up to give life, like the grains which split up to give new plant. And either we take the first meaning or the second one, the Lord who guides you and creates the life, is the one you should seek refuge in him.       2#{From the evil of what He has created}, It includes all what Allah -the Almighty- created from mankind, Jinni, and all creatures, asking for protection from their evil. And this means that we seek refuge in Allah -the creator- from all mischief in general, then the identification will be followed, as following;       3#{And from the evil of the night when spreads out}, Because when it becomes dark at night, the man lose the ability to see any thing and to defend himself against any danger. The intended here, is not the night which comes after the day, but the long-deep darkness when spreads out in the morning and blocks out the daylight; meaning, a misplaced darkness.           4#{And From the evil of those who puff in knots},it means the sorcerers who make magic and sorcery using knots and spells 5#{And from the evil of the envious if he envies}. And here, we should stop a little, some rational scientists and even some people deny the presence of the envy and the sorcery or magic. We answer them by saying that if we believe in God, our minds shouldn’t be an evidence on what He -the Almighty- had created, because if everything were relay on our minds, so what is the meaning of faith ?! Even with concerning to the use of mind, your mind –as a scientist- is a reason for you to accept that there are things beyond your awareness, as a lot of things were not accepted by the mind, and then the science proved its presence, lets imagine -ten centuries ago- what would happen if we tell someone about Microbiology and the microbes, would he understand its presence?, And as the sorcery and envy are beyond our awareness, there is no one can protect us from them but Allah the Almighty, and that is why they are specifically mentioned in Surat Al-Falaq.        

Virtue of Surat Al-Falaq:

  Prophet Muhammad –peace and blessings be upon him- said: ( Oh Ibn Abbas, should I tell you the best of what the seekers seek refuge with? I said: Yes, oh Messenger of God, he said: say: I seek refuge in the Lord of falaq and Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of people).

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