Tarteel Quran (Quran recitation)

Read Quran with Tajweed

Tarteel Quran is an Arabic word that means Recitation, Tarteel Quran increases the beauty of Quran meanings, because Tarteel Quran rises our soul to the spiritual world of Quran.

One of the most important roles towards our children, is to make them get used to learn and hear Quran with Tarteel.

The meaning of Tarteel Quran:

Tarteel Quran means recitation of Quran at a moderate pace, which means not to be hurry or hesitate in reading Quran. And applying of all provision of Quran, with the intention to be a reading of worship to Allah the Almighty, and with forethought of the meanings of the verses. Reading is not considered to be Tarteel, if there is no reflection. Allah the Almighty ordered us to read Quran with Tarteel: Learning Tarteel Quran is a duty of every Muslims as Allah the Almighty said in Surut Al-Mozammel: (Recite the Quran a recitation). And said in Suruh Al-Baqare: (Those whom the book was given to them, recite it with the right recitation, those who believe in it, and whoever disbelieves in it, then, those are the losers) And prophet Muhammad –peace and blessings be upon him- said: (The reader of the Quran will be brought in the day of Judgment, and will be put at the first step of the stairs of Heaven and be told ” read, and rise and recite as you used to do in the world, then, your status will be at the last verse you read”). It is worthy also to be noted that Quran was revealed with Tarteel, and Gabriel was reciting Quran verses to prophet Muhammad- peace and blessings be upon him- so the prophet-peace and blessings be upon him- performed as Gabriel did.

How to learn Tarteel Quran?

Tarteel Quran or Recitation is a specific science and has its special rules and regulations, and to learn Tarteel Quran, one needs to be a good reader and speaker of Arabic language. Then one can attend Tarteel classes in any specialized center or institute, or he can take Tarteel courses online, to study the science of Tarteel or Recitation at the hands of qualified sheiks. It is advised to intend the sake of Allah when you start to learn Tarteel Quran, and to be diligent in studying and pronunciation.

The spiritual impact of Tarteel Quran on the listener’s heart:

Of course, the words of Quran in itself hold such great meanings that grounds to reverence, but reading it with Tarteel helps the hearts to rise to those meanings’ level and deepen the feeling of those words. Listening to Quran with Tarteel is a healing for people, and bearing the cure for weary hearts. Furthermore, Tarteel Quran strengthens the faith in hearts, Allah the Almighty said: (The believers are those who if Allah is mentioned, their hearts sank, and if the verses of Allah are recited to them, it increases their faith, and they rely on their God), Surah Al-Anfal. And Allah the Almighty said too: (If the verses of Allah are recited to them, they fell down prostrating and weeping), Surah Maryam.

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