The Rules of Meem Saakinah \ Tajweed Rules

The Rules of Meem Saakinah

Meem saakinah has three possible rules:

1.Al-ikhfa as-shafawi

2.Al-idgham as-shafawi

3.Al-ith-har as-shafawi

1-The first rule: Al-ikhfa as-shafawi

when the letter meem saakinah م is followed by baa ب. Baa ب is a lip letter just like meem م. When baa ب follows meem م saakinah, meem م saakinah is pronounced with Al-ikhfaa as-shafawi. Meem saakinah مbegins to be pronounced from the two lips and then leaves in a clear pronunciation when reaching baa ب . The complete ghunnah is present, thus producing al- ikhfa as-shafawi sound.


2-The second rule: Al-idgham as-shafawi

When the letter meem saakinah م is followed by another meem saakinah م (meem with tashkeel)

It is required to pronounce meem saakinah م in this case with lengthened ghunnah.Thus producing al-idgham as-shafawi sound.



It is also pronounced this way whenever meem م has a shaddah above it ( مّ ) .

3- The third rule: Al- ith-har as-shafawi

When any of the rest of the letters follow meem saakinah م.

It is required to pronounce meem saakinah م in this case clearly without ghunnah that is present in the rest of the letter.


The reader should take care not to hide meem saakinah.

when it is followed by waw (و)or faa’ (ف) because meem and waw share the same makhraj and makhraj of meem is near from makhraj of faa’.


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