Virtues of reciting the Qur’an
Reciting the Qur’an is one of the greatest acts of obedience and the noblest of acts of worship. It is
Reciting the Qur’an is one of the greatest acts of obedience and the noblest of acts of worship. It is
Tafkheem & Tarqeeq Tafkheem It is heaviness that enters the body of the letter, so that the mouth is filled
Mudooud Madd is the lengthening the sound with a letter of madd letters. The difference between madd letters and leen
Rules of Raa Saakinah Tafkheem & Tarqeeq Raa is originally a muraqqaq – light letter -when it has kasrah harakah
The Rules of Meem Saakinah Meem saakinah has three possible rules: 1.Al-ikhfa as-shafawi 2.Al-idgham as-shafawi 3.Al-ith-har as-shafawi 1-The first rule:
Makhaarij Al-Huroof Makharij means the place of emitting the letter when pronouncing it that differentiates that specific letter from other
Sifaat Al-Huroof Sifaat refers to the characteristic(s) of the letter to distinguish the letters that share the same makhaarij. Sifaat
((Iqlab)) ▪︎Iqlab is an Arabic word that means Alternation or switching. And in Tajweed, Iqlab is one of the Tajweed
♡Heavy and light letters. ☆All the Arabic letters divided into Heavy and light letters. ♡What about the heavy letters ?
Izhaar/Al-Idhar ♡What is the meaning of izhaar? Izhaar means to make clear or pronouncing every letter from its articulation point
Rules of meem Sakinah. According to the following letter meem Sakinah has three possible rules. 1-oral hiding ( اخفاء شفوى).
Al-Madd is an important rule in Tajweed as it plays a very important role in understanding the meanings of the
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